About us

About The Durnford Society

The Durnford Society Limited is a voluntary sector, not for profit organisation, registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014. No. 22851R (Charitable).

By continued hard work, we aim to be acknowledged as a professionally respected Organisation responding dynamically through inter-agency working and feedback to ensure that the interests of individuals are safeguarded to achieve the best outcome for people supported.

Vision & Values

The Organisation’s vision is to support and empower individuals to lead a fulfilled life in any setting. It has clearly defined values that underpin an ethos which is threaded through all aspects of the Organisation. These values are:


Staff strive to look for and implement new and better ways of working with and supporting people.

Care and Support

Person centered approaches are at the heart of the service we provide, promoting independence being the key.


Promoting an open, honest and transparent environment, which is ethical, moral and acts in the best interest of the people we support.


Promoting a positive and consistent culture of helping people to look at their own mental and physical health.


Helping people to become confident and stronger in exercising their rights and taking control of their lives.


Promoting the learning and maintaining of skills and activities to help people live the lives they want.

Our prime aim is to create an environment where those using our service are able to live their lives in the manner they choose.

In order to understand the wishes of those that we support we believe wholeheartedly in a person centred approach and all are offered the opportunity of their own Person Centred Plan.

Mission Statement

The Durnford Society Ltd prides itself on offering an empowering person-centred approach through a range of diverse services. Each service provides freedom of choice for individuals encompassing their wishes, needs and aspirations. This philosophy provides the opportunity for a more independent lifestyle.

Excellence in training, staff development and an atmosphere of supportive challenge, lead to consistent, positive, imaginative staff teams providing an individually tailored, holistic service capable of responding to changing needs.

By continued hard work, we aim to be acknowledged as a professionally respected Organisation responding dynamically through inter-agency working and feedback to ensure that the interests of individuals are safeguarded to achieve the best outcome for people being supported.