
Health & Social Care Questionnaires

An important part of providing care and support is good governance.  The Organisation strives to improve and excel in our service delivery, by seeking and acting upon feedback from those we support, Family, Friends, Significant Others’, and Health Professionals acting on their behalf, thus allowing us to continually evaluate our services and drive improvement.

Please select the corresponding questionnaire to reflect the service you wish to provide feedback on.

Support without Accommodation (Formerly Known As, Supported Living & Domiciliary Care Services)

If you have any questions or queries you can contact the General Manager – (Quality Assurance & Operations) via Head Office on 01752 347005 or email [email protected]

Support with Accommodation (Formerly known as Residential Care) – Oaklands / Parkstone Lane

If you have any questions or queries you can contact the General Manager – (Quality Assurance & Operations) via Head Office on 01752 347005 or email [email protected]

Working in Partnership - Health Professionals Questionnaire

If you have any questions or queries you can contact the General Manager – (Quality Assurance & Operations) on 01752 347005 or email [email protected]