Person Centred Support

Person Centred Approaches

Q. Are we good at what we do?

A. Yes you are.

Q. What makes us good?

A. You care, you believe in the people you support, you are a very understanding company and you put people first.

Just a few of the things that people say about us.

How we feel about our role in the Organisation is very important to the people we support. If we are positive and enthusiastic about our role, it will make a world of difference to the person receiving our support and efforts.

We do a huge amount of training so that we can understand and provide support in the individuals best interest, in the safest and most enjoyable way for them. We might be the only person they see in a day so unrushed and unhindered support is vital.

We believe that everyone has a right to be treated with decency and respect.

Our commitment to Person Centred Approached is tangible. The competence of our staff in empowering people to look after and understand their own well-being, care and support is something to be proud of.

Helping people to be at the centre of their own life journey is the least we can do. Being there to help them celebrate achievements and stepping in only when help is required, is our role.